A web spun by spiders to trap insect prey.
Examples for "spider web"
Examples for "spider web"
1As to the green fairy, he came down in a spider web.
2These wheels travelled on a thick cable,-thespider web before referred to.
3A spider web of cracks was spinning a network across the canopy.
4There was a spider web across the top of the bound bristles.
5That is sort of what it was like-withthe burning spider web.
1In a bush beside the fence there was a big spider's web.
2I have hung my whole interest in life on a spider's web.
3He had no more chance than a fly in a spider's web.
4Or like the buzzing fly who is lured within the spider's web!
5The middle membrane is thick, and somewhat like a spider's web in appearance.
6A fly caught in a spider's web, that was what she thought of.
7It's almost as if the stars are tangled in a ghostly spider's web.
8It is built of grass and reed-bamboo-fibres, and is coated with spider's web.
9It would be like binding a giant with a spider's web.
10We paused to examine a spider's web spanning a space between two shrubs.
11A gigantic system of taxation had been brushed, like a spider's web, away.
12I was not caught in the other base spider's web.
13Only a spider's web will hold it; coarser objects have no power over it.
14If it was really a join-the-dots game, it would sketch out a spider's web.
15Then he could dimly see the face of his friend beyond the spider's web.
16Like an enormous spider's web of fine dark silk it bulged before the wind.
Translations for spider's web